Per Chr. Springborg is graduated cand.agro. from the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University in Copenhagen.
He has written publications "Genetic Scheduling in small populations," 1994 and "Reproductive efficiency in mares", 1994. He has also written a number of academic articles in the magazine "Landsbladet Hest", "Ridehesten - Hippologisk", "HesteInfo" and "Hest & Rytter". Furthermore, Per Chr Springborg taught at a wide range of courses in horses.
Pernille and Per Springborg has specialized in training young horses for shows, licensings etc. Over the years about 225 mares and 50 stallions has been prepared at your stud. 


Per has also been president of the Danish Warmblood in North Zealand in 6 years (2003 - 2009). Per has been elected to chairman in the headcommittee in 2010.


We offer advising in:

  • Feeding - including the preparation of diets, analyzes of feed, etc.
  • Breeding guide
  • Economic advice in connection with keeping of horses
  • Advice in connection with construction


Please feel free to call and ask for advice on phone +45 48210180 or mobile +45 40625180 - In the evening please !


Stutteri Springborg – Regnholmvej 4 - DK-3320 Skævinge - Denmark - Phone: +45 48210180 - Mobile: +45 40625180 - :::: Powered by CMS Editor