Guyana is a lovely mare, who was born the 16 May 2009. It is a mare with lots of expression and a big potential in her movement. Guyana is bred from a strong line of performance mares with several offspring competing at international level. She contains all the best blood from all over the world! She has Donnerhall, Florestan I and Rubinstein blood, which makes her very safe as a breeding mare.
Guyana achieved very good characters at the foal show in 2009 in Danish Warmblood Region 1: Type 9, Frames 9, Legs 8, Walk 8, Trot 9, Canter 8 and Total Imoression 9.
The sire, Furst Romancier, participated in 2010 at the World Championships for young horses in Verden, where he was No. 4 in 5-year group. He was the best placed stallion. Fürst Romancier got following characters: walk 9.3, Trot 8.9, Canter 8.8, Rideabillity 7.9, Total impression 8.8, giving an overall score of 8.74!
Guyana was the 2 years old mare of the year at the 2 years old mare show 2011. She got following characters: Type 9, Frames 8, legs 7, Walk 9, Trot 9, Canter 9 and Total Impression 9. She was also selected for the elite show 2011 in Danish Warmblood, where she was placed in the finals among the 6 best in the year.
In 2012 Guyana was approved with 9 for Type and Total Impression, 8.5 for trot and 8 for the Canter. She was selected for the Danish Warmblood Elite Mare Show and was awarded with a bronze medal with the following description: Long-legged, noble and expressive mare with a big trot and balanced canter.
In 2012 we have created an embryo transfrer on Guyana. Her embryo are fertilized with the Bretton Woods and Springborgs Dancing Queen acts as surrogate mother for the embryo. She set to give birth on 27th March 2013.
Guyana was judged with 9 for Type and Total Impression